Thursday, August 6, 2015

Final call

If there aren't anymore discrepancies with invoices, Rachel is putting everything on line. Payment due tomorrow. Thank you!

Wednesday, August 5, 2015


Hi all! I am sending out everyone's invoices for uniforms in a private message. Please let me know ASAP if there is a problem with your order so it can be fixed quickly before we send it out. Orders are due this Friday. I've also attached a practice and performance schedule for August, September and October. I also need to add, the new competition Pom outfit is NOT on the invoice. We will order those in September. This order includes:
White uniform
Knee socks
White Nike shoes
White monogram tank
Gold sports bra
Chevron shorts
Maroon metallic sports bra
Maroon metallic leggings
Black " R" tank with sequins
Warm up pants and jacket with rhinestone "R"
Thank you so much!!

*** competition team***
Jamfest- Feb 7, 2016 Charleston, WV

Battlezone- Feb 27, 2016 Lexington, Ky