Friday, June 10, 2016


Due to injuries, I held a second audition for two dancers. Congratulations on being selected for the Dancing Devils team Sydnie Sheridan and Callie Jackson!

I would like to extend an alternate position on the competition team, the Dancing Queens, to Callie Jackson

Thank you both for continuing to work on your tryout routines after your injuries. Please join the RMS DANCE TEAM PAGE on FACEBOOK and the remind app to get the latest information on the teams.

To sign up for the Dancing Devils :
-Text @dancedevil to 81010
-Reply to the message from the Remind team with your first and last name, and you're in.

To sign up for the Dancing Queens:
-Text @rmsqueens to 81010
-Reply to the message from the Remind team with your first and last name, and you're in.

Again, congratulations and welcome to the team!!

Ms. Nicole

Monday, June 6, 2016

Fitting this Thursday June 9th

Hi all!
It's about time to start up the new Russell Dance season! This Thursday, June 9th, @4:30 we will have a fitting and a parent's meeting in the RMS cafeteria. We have a lot to cover so we will not have an actual practice. Anyone wanting to resale Pom tops and warm ups, please bring them with you or send them with someone so we know what we need to order from Rachel. I will post the price list. I believe it's half of what you paid. Also, if you haven't turned your physicals in, you need to bring them and the $60 start up fee with you on Thursday.

Dates to remember:

Practices on Thursdays 3:30-5:00

June 18 Competition hip hop choreography

June 23,30 Football Pom choreography

July 16, 23,30 Saturday morning track practices 9-11:00am

Thank you! Can't wait to see everyone!

Ms. Nicole