Wednesday, September 26, 2012


 First off, I want to congratulate everyone for the fantastic dancing last week. Ive had so many compliments on both the parade and benefit performances. Your hard work is paying off and I'm so pleased. Thank you so much for your dedication!

 We have scheduled professional pictures with KMK photography in October. She will be doing group and individual shots. All girls need to wear maroon shirts with jeans. If they wear jewelry it needs to be gold toned. They can wear heels, toms, sperrys, etc.. We want a gorgeous, casual picture of the girls for personal and publicity shots and hopefully a banner to hang in the school, too. She will be offering packages for individual/group or just group. This will be an HDR session, so she can use some really awesome backgrounds for them.

 Just a heads up for those of you with remaining balances, uniforms are in and I will be passing them out at next practice. I have to have the balance paid in full before I can pass out the uniforms. We will be using those for our pom routines in games (the Raceland game on the 4th) and competition. We will use our Jersey uniforms for hip hop.

 I've listed our current schedule. However, we have basketball games sprinkled in there as well. Now that our gym is up and running, we will be performing at 8th grade boys basketball home games. As soon as I get that schedule, I'll forward it to everyone.

 In the past, we have only taken May off but I believe Im going to do it differently this year. Unless a great performance opportunity arises (Harlem Wizards, etc) we will finish our dance season after the March 17th performance. Clinics and try outs for the next school year will be in May.

Thank you!

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